St. 爱德华的 has a proud history of championing students who are the first in their families to earn a college degree. 我们致力于帮助你充分利用大学时光.
今天, 近三分之一的山顶学生是第一代学生, 还有我们的许多教职员工, staff 和 university leaders are the first in their families to go to college — including St. 365比分网电竞 蒙特塞拉特·富恩特斯总统. 他们对我们社区的贡献是圣. 我们的使命是创造一个更加公正和包容的世界.
在圣. 爱德华的, you’re part of a vibrant 和 welcoming campus family where everyone is valued. 教授, 顾问, coaches 和 peers will guide 和 mentor you throughout your college experience, 我们整个社区都会支持你们的成功.
看看校园项目, events 和 resources on this webpage that support 和 celebrate our first-generation students. 我们在这里帮助你驾驭大学,实现你的梦想.
加入你的团队. 爱德华的 family in celebrating the accomplishments 和 成功 of our first-generation students, 教职员工. Take part in a week of fun 和 informative activities that culminates on First-Gen Scholars Day, 一整天的庆祝和表彰. 从我们过去的事件看到照片亮点在我们的 Instagram旋转木马 抓住我们的 CBS新闻要闻.
Gather with fellow First-Gen Hilltoppers on the first Friday of each month for 特别的第一代项目、研讨会和社交活动. 你将了解圣. 爱德华的 that can help you build your community 和 invest in your personal 和 professional development. And you’ll hear encouraging 和 inspiring personal stories from our own first-gen students, 教师和校友.
圣. 爱德华的 阿尔法阿尔法(三阿尔法)荣誉协会 为第一代大学生提供指导的机会, 培养领导技能, 和 connecting with first-gen students 和 professionals on campus 和 after college. 联系教授 莫莉- at 详情及资格要求.
第一代FAFSA周五 will be held on a monthly basis to assist students complete federal 和 state financial aid applications. A space will be provided where students will receive 1:1 assistance in completing their financial aid applications 和 answer any questions they may have 和 address any concerns.
First-GenU BIPOC/拉丁裔男性指导 程序
分享你的时间, insights 和 life experience by becoming a peer mentor to BIPOC/Latinx male students at St. 爱德华的. Our First-GenU paid internships are a valuable opportunity for first-gen male upperclassmen to support fellow first-gen male students as they acclimate to college life. 联系 有关详细信息,.
这 special scholarship program supports underrepresented students pursuing degrees in 会计 和 金融 和 connects them to Deloitte employees for professional mentoring 和 networking opportunities. 联系职业教练 有关详细信息,.
Our First Year Seminar in the Major for first-gen students provides important opportunities to acclimate to college life, 促进社区, 培养成功的特质, 消除障碍,提高学术技能. 这 course also introduces you to campus services 和 resources 和 helps you identify your unique strengths that can support your 成功 in college 和 beyond.
这 第一代亲和群 sponsored by 职业和专业发展 is a great opportunity to build community 和 create connections with other first-gen students. 成员聚在一起建立网络, 参与, 社交和共享针对第一代学生的资源.
学生的成功 Center
Throughout your time at 爱德华的, you’ll have personalized support to foster your 成功. 你的 成功的教练 会帮助你导航你的大学之旅吗. 你的 职业教练 会指引你的职业道路吗. 你可以使用一系列的资源,比如 学术支援服务 和 学生残疾服务(SDS).
我的第一个! 在线社区
我的第一个! 庆祝第一代大学生,圣. 爱德华是社区的一员. 看看 videos 和 blogs from first-gen students from across the country who share their stories 和 advice. 第一代山顶 海莉·海布斯,24岁 被选为《365比分网电竞》的编剧! 这是海莉的第一个博客. 一定要 看看她以后的博客吧.
来自一个田野工作者的家庭, earning a 4-year college degree means that I don’t have to continue the cycle of early mornings 和 late nights of hard labor my gr和parents, 父母和我一直忍受着. 对我的家人来说,这是那个时代的终结. 他们为我上大学感到非常骄傲.
选择圣. 爱德华的
大学援助移民项目奖学金为圣. 爱德华引起了我的注意, 但这是紧密联系的气氛, location 和 school size that kept me from choosing any other school that offered the scholarship. 我爱上了校园的美丽,并决定圣. 爱德华大学不仅是我的大学,也是我的家.
Being the first in your family to experience this whole new world of university life can be scary, 有时很复杂,令人难以承受. 我第一天到圣. 在爱德华的办公室,我立即受到了CAMP工作人员的热烈欢迎. 我知道我是在正确的地方,在教授的帮助下, 教职员和高年级学生, 在山顶上我将有一次有益的经历.
当我到达圣. 爱德华的母亲生病了,然后在我大三的时候去世了. Everyone on the hilltop was right by my side 和 ensured that I had what I needed — from professors extending deadlines to the 健康 & 心理咨询中心伸出手来支持我的心理健康. The amount of care I received gave me the strength to pursue my degree during the most difficult time of my life.
我来到圣. 爱德华的 excited to learn about what it means to be a leader 和 hoped to enter the political world after graduation. 然而, 有那么多人受到不公正的影响, 尤其是那些少数群体, 随着人权不断受到攻击, 拒绝并移除, 我决定从事宪法方面的工作.
To me, it's a privilege to be the first in my family to earn a bachelor’s degree. My family has worked hard to support my decision to advance my college 教育. 我上大学对他们来说意义重大, 他们为我未来的机会感到高兴和兴奋.
选择圣. 爱德华的
我在奥斯汀社区学院获得了副学士学位, 我不知道在四年制大学里会发生什么. 所以我决定上一所小班制的大学, 这样我就更容易适应了. St. 爱德华家是个完美的地方. One of the best 和 simple ways the university has helped me adjust is by sending students emails 和 texts with reminder dates about important deadlines. I also love the notices throughout the school year about campus events 和 research opportunities. It helps me plan how to be involved with activities that align with my goals.
我在圣. 艾德是我的主要指导老师和化学教授, Dr. 玛丽货币单位. During my first semester, she always checked in with me 和 asked how I was doing. She also encouraged me to apply to be a lab teaching assistant 和 offered me the opportunity to be in her research group. 我很感激她对我的关照, 以及她如何帮助我准确地计划我在圣. 爱德华的.
It excites me that with my 化学 degree, I can go down many different paths. Since I’ll most likely be doing research in my career — hopefully in the pharmaceutical industry — I’m glad to be a part of a research team on campus. And being a lab teaching assistant is a valuable experience in case I want to become a teacher someday.
读一个 第一代山顶战士的非凡旅程 去斯坦福大学攻读博士学位. 维多利亚·罗德里格斯11年 embraced every opportunity as the first in her family to graduate from college.